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Travel notes by Alex and Moni

Departure Alex

koalartw By On 30/08/2016 1

Monday 29th was my departure for the big trip, let's see how it went ....

Here we are!! So on the early morning of the 29th August, I started my 11 months journey with a flight to ... BSL (Basel airport) hehehehe. Indeed I flew Easyjet to Basel, then took the train to Zürich airport to hop on the SWISS LX180 to Bangkok. In between, I could quickly passby to say hello to my ex colleagues. It was really nice but strange in the same time to see them again as I had the feeling that I was back from vacation.

As a spoiled child, I had to use another opportunity to fly business class on the B777, on a throne (check out the pictures) so the flight was off course a nice experience (no BTC yet). Now in Bangkok, I will depart tomorrow (Wednesday 31st August) to head towards Kathmandu, where some interesting activities are ahead. Moni is not yet around but we will meet and start our travel together in Kathmandu in 2 weeks.

More to come ....



  • Mama (Regine)

    1 Mama (Regine) On 30/08/2016

    Gute Reise!

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