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Travel notes by Alex and Moni

Landing Page

Australia on the way...

Welcome Everybody!

***** UPDATE: Hey everybody! We are slowly starting to post articles about our adventures in Down Under. Given the size of the country we have quite some stories and of course many pictures. Hopefully we can get you some more stuff to read soon. Australia is definitely worth the wait ;). Enjoy the first part.  *****


We finally managed to set up our travel blog so you can join us on our journey.

We are looking forward to having you follow us and commenting on our publications during the coming 11 months!

Please have a look around, you will find the latest traveller stories under the "Blog" section, a timeline of events under "What's next" (we will continuously update it so you all know what's on the program) as well as photos and videos in the sections "Videos" and "Photo Gallery".

If you want to leave us a message or exchange informations with other blog-readers, please do so under "Forums" - we will try to keep track of your posts. You also have the possibility to write a comment to each traveller story. And if you want to contact us directly, please use the contact form in the "Contact" section.

We assume you will find your way around, so fasten your seat belts and enjoy the ride with us.


We'll keep you updated,

Alex and Moni - the Globetrotters


Ready for Take-off